Make sure you read all of the details associated with the refund and the rebate. You will likely have to submit your original receipt as well as your proof of purchase from the item in order to get it. It is always wise to keep a copy on file for your own reference also. Many people just take a picture with a digital camera too as proof that they did indeed get this information and submit it.
Try to get a copy of the completed form that you are sending as well. You will want the address and the phone number to contact them about it if you don’t get your refund and that will be on the form. Many refunds and rebates can take six or eight weeks to process and in that time many people forget about it. It is recommended that you take note of when you should have received your refund in a diary so that if not received then you can chase it up with the appropriate person..
In general companies are very responsible when it comes to honoring refunds and rebates and it is worth it for you to save money to take advantage of such offers. Very often these smaller payments add up quickly into a nice extra sum of cash you would not have otherwise had. It doesn’t take very long to complete the process and in most cases they are hoping you won’t. Yet not doing so is simply throwing money away
For more on this business article or What are refunds & rebates